Samsung Pay
How many payment cards can I add in Samsung Pay?
You can add up to 10 cards using Samsung Pay. Both credit cards/debit cards can...
Can I use Samsung Pay for in-app purchases?
Yes. As of version 2.5, you can make in-app purchases with Samsung Pay when supported...
How secure are Samsung Pay Transactions?
Samsung Pay transactions are authorized with a PIN, fingerprint, or iris scan. After repeated failure...
How do I use Samsung Pay to make purchases?
You can pay for purchases using Samsung Pay wherever you see this symbol: Once...
How do I add my card(s) to Samsung Pay?
Cards can be easily added to Samsung pay by navigating to and opening Samsung Pay...
What is One-Time Passcode?
One-time Passcode (OTP) is used to prevent wallet enrollment fraud as well as improve the...
What CU SoCal cards can I add to Samsung Pay?
You can add all CU SoCal Credit/Debit Cards to Samsung Pay.
What is Samsung Pay?
Samsung Pay allows you to pay for your purchases with your Samsung Galaxy phone or...