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Earn up to $200 with Bonus Bucks1

New Members can earn up to $200 cash in $50 increments when they open a Rewards Checking Account and other select accounts within 90 days. Don’t wait! Offer expires April 30. See below to learn more.

Earn up to $2001 Cash when you:

Earn one or all of these bonuses! Each account requirement pays $50. The sooner you get started, the faster your rewards add up. You have up to 90 days to earn your cash bonuses.

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Earn $50 when you open a Rewards Checking Account with a minimum $100 deposit.

Open Account
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Earn $50 when you receive monthly direct deposit of at least $750.

Learn More

Earn $50 when you make 24 debit card transactions.

Learn More

Earn $50 when you fund an auto or personal loan.

Apply For an Auto Loan

Prefer to open your account at a branch? Find a location near you.

Already a CU SoCal Member? Refer a friend, family member, neighbor or co-worker. You can earn up to $50 for the referral. Send your invitations today!

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  • 1. Offer is valid from February 1 – April 30, 2025, for new Members who join CU SoCal during the promotion period. New Members are defined as a person 18 and older who has never been an owner of a CU SoCal account. All new accounts will be verified by ChexSystems® and are subject to approval and Membership eligibility. To qualify for cash bonuses Member must complete the following within 90 days from establishing Membership: Open a Rewards Checking Account with a minimum opening amount of $100 (receive $50); receive a monthly direct deposit of at least $750 (receive $50); complete 24 Point of Sale (POS) or signature transactions using their CU SoCal Debit Card (receive $50); and fund an auto or personal loan (receive $50). Cash bonus will be credited to Member’s CU SoCal deposit account within 60 days from completing the promotional requirements mentioned above. Cash bonus may be subject to tax reporting. Offers are subject to change without notice.